A book gift to keep readers warm

While we’re sweltering here in Australia, readers in the US and UK are reaching for their blankets and a good book. That’s why Australian author Melissa Pouliot is offering the Kindle edition of her #1 #besteller Write About Me for just 99c in the US and UK. Another reason the book has been discounted from $4.99 to just 99c is to celebrate it’s new cover!

Follow this link to download your copy

And please feel free to share with your friends. It’s a huge boost to authors when readers enjoy their book as much as they enjoy writing it!


Thanks Indie Author Land for connecting readers with authors

For the past few weeks a fantastic online marketing website genuinely set up for readers and authors has been posting messages on their twitter page about Write About Me. They have also published a fantastic interview about my book and taken the extra time to really get to know who I am, what my book is about and who would enjoy reading it. And all for no cost to me. Which is incredible. And awesome. And very much appreciated!!

Check out their interview here: Why you must read Write About Me

Thank you Indie Author Land for being a breath of fresh air in the complex and often overwhelming world of self-publishing. If you’re a self-published, indie author check them out HEREImage.

Write About Me moves bookshelves into mystery, thriller and crime

One of the best parts about publishing your book on Amazon is the incredible opportunities it provides for self-published authors. As Amazon aims to keep pace with the ever-changing book publishing world, authors and writers can stay on the front foot and be continually finding new opportunities to sell more books.

As a new self-published author I am learning every day and one thing I’ve discovered is the importance of which category or shelf your book is on in the biggest bookstore in the world.

After seeking advice from other authors and doing my own research, Write About Me has now changed shelves. These are its new categories which align more closely with the type of book it is.

I will keep you posted about what happens from here as I roll out my new virtual marketing strategy – stay tuned!


The art of selling books – hints from an author and her best stockist

I am still new to the fiction writing market. Although I’ve been writing my whole life through my journalism career and media business, I am a debutante self-published author. Since launching my debut novel Write About Me last year, I have stumbled and raced at rapid speed around the steep learning curve of selling books.

Today I had an enlightening conversation with my most favourite stockists of Write About Me as I hand-delivered their 8th order of books in 6 months. This has prompted me to share with other bookstores and stockists of books the art of selling paperbacks for new authors. 

Selling books is not rocket science, but the reality is that books don’t sell themselves unless of course you are Jodi Picoult, J.K. Rowling or Hannah Kent. But until an author reaches global domination, they need to be continually working with their stockists at how to best reach their target market – readers.

MJP_FB header Feb 14Hint 1. Just because you are stocking a fantastic book which is a #1 bestseller, has been seen on television, in newspapers, magazines and every social media platform known to man (as is the case with Write About Me) – doesn’t mean your customers will have heard of it. Talk to your customers about the book, let them know you have a #1 bestseller in your store. This will immediately get their attention.

Hint 2. Ask the author for signed copies. If a customer knows it is personally signed they will be more inclined to purchase.

Hint 3. Keep in touch with your authors. Know what they’re up to. Follow them on Facebook, twitter, Instagram or whatever social media platform is your favourite. That way you can share with your customers all the excitement that’s happening around that book and any future books they’re working on.

Hint 4. Read the book. Know what it’s about so you can tell your customers a little bit more about it. Share some of the highlights and pass on what others are saying about it. Write a review and stick it to the shelf in front of the books. Invite your customers to submit reviews and stick them to the shelf.

Hint 5. Be realistic about how many you can sell. If you’ve genuinely made the decision to stock the book, it is in your best interest to sell as many as you can so you can collect your commission. But don’t expect every book to sell out on the first day. Just because your author is not Bryce Courtenay or Stephen King, doesn’t mean their book is not a great read. It just takes a little more effort to spread the word.

It makes sense for stockists and authors to work together to sell books – it’s a win win for both. You never know, your debut author might be the next big thing to hit the book scene. And you can be rest assured, it will be the stockists who went the extra mile to sell 50 books that your author will remember when she’s selling 50,000.



Love being on top!

We knew that would get your attention! That’s the power of words.

But in author speak, on top means #1 and that’s exactly where Write About Me is currently sitting. And we’re pretty excited here at The Word Mint for our author Melissa-Jane Pouliot. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, pack some tissues, don your best 80s gear and enjoy the ride.

  • Write About Me is available on Amazon as a Kindle and paperback
  • It is also available as a paperback from a range of stockists in Australia


How an author and 2 knights make a SafeKnight

Recently I met two knights. Their names are Chris Gould and Chris Hawthorn.

Knight 1 is Chris Gould, chairman and founder of Child-Safe International. Knight 2 is Chris Hawthorn, who founded The SafeKnight Foundation and poured his life savings into developing the SafeKnight mobile phone app. This free app is BBC Click’s Best App of 2012 and was a top five finalist in a World Youth & Student Travel Conference competition in Sydney last September.

I have decided to refer to them as Knight 1 and 2 instead of Chris 1 and 2 because what they are doing all over the world for young people can truly be likened to ‘knights in shining armour’.

Knight 1 Chris Gould contacted me  after reading ‘Write About Me’, my debut fiction novel about a missing Australian teenager called Annabelle Brown which is inspired by my cousin Ursula Barwick, missing for more than 26 years.

I have met Knight 1 in person and Knight 2 Chris Hawthorn via the virtual world.

It is an honour and a privilege to be collaborating with them  to help prevent young people from going missing and to find missing people via this amazing technology.

The SafeKnight app is for iPhone, BlackBerry and Android. With just one click, the app enables you to take a photo then automatically stores it on a secure database, paired with your unique ID, time, date and the GPS location of where it was taken. 

SocialImageAus1I wish something like this had been around in 1987 when Ursula went missing. All we had back then were phone boxes that needed 20-cent coins and letters in envelopes that needed a 37-cent stamp. It was an era when we watched ‘Back to the Future’ but still never imagined someone could create something as sophisticated as the SafeKnight app. The mystery of Ursula is now more than 26 years old and  might never be solved. Something like this app could have provided a vital clue for police so they would at least have known where to start looking for her.


If there was something, like this app, that could have prevented Ursula from disappearing off the face of the earth – she might still be with us. Or at least we might have known where to start looking. With a safety tool like this at your fingertips you can prevent situations escalating out of your control. If someone is intending to hurt you and knows you are taking a photo that can give police the exact time, date and location they might think twice – giving you a better chance of getting home safely to your family and friends to live a long and happy life.

For the young people of today just like Ursula, who are restless with their own lives and want to travel independently and follow their own paths, I have two recommendations.

  1. Firstly, download the free SafeKnight app onto your phone and use it as your camera. When you’re travelling take photos of the sights and send them to your family and friends and keep them for your own travel blog. And feel safer in the knowledge these photos go to a virtual place where nobody can see them but if you go missing, they will provide a vital starting point for investigators. Vital clues. Location. Date. Time. Details like this are so important, especially in the first few hours and days.
  2. Secondly, please read Annabelle Brown’s story in Write About Me. Annabelle is a fictional character with a fictional family, fictional friends and a fictional life. But you will find glimpses of our dearly loved and deeply missed Ursula on every page and it might help you realise how easily you can end up in a vulnerable situation – even if you are strong, independent, smart and brave.

You can download the FREE SafeKnight app at:

Power of the presses

Restart the presses! This is the heading of a message a colleague of mine sent a couple of days ago when he came across this article in the New York Times:

He is one of many people who know me so well. My early career in newspaper newsrooms where we printed the papers onsite has given me a lifelong affinity with newspaper print and all things handmade.

I still remember as a young rural journalist at The Wimmera Mail-Times the camaraderie after work “out the back” collating the newspapers we’d all worked so hard to put together that day.

Although I am also an advocate of online media and the wonderful opportunities it provides to spread your message globally, this will never replace a morning cup of coffee and the day’s newspaper spread out before you in black and white.

So it was with much delight that I was on the receiving end of the power of newspapers this week when an article appeared in the Tamworth-based Northern Daily Leader, leading to me being invited to be a guest at a prestigious author speaking event for around 250 people.

No other regional daily in Australia covers such a vast circulation area which includes nearly 20 local government areas and I am thrilled that editor Daniel Johns has taken such an interest in my story.

And he’s the not the only one. Thanks to the many newspapers right around Australia that are covering “Write About Me” and all its milestones, a staggering number of people are stopping me on the street, sending emails, following The Word Mint on Facebook and purchasing my book.

The power of the presses lives on.

Why BookBub works for authors and readers

BOOKBUB SAYS…“We only feature books that are bestsellers or written by a bestselling author, were published by a top-tier publisher, or have received strong reviews from critics and readers.” BookBub website home page

It’s been an exciting weekend in The Word Mint thanks to BookBub. And as a result “Write About Me” is now a #1 Bestseller as well as an Amazon Hot Seller, Hot New Release, Top Rated and Gift Idea! Sales have also jumped by a whopping 600% in the days after the promotion finished. Happy Dance!


After the promotion finished, Write About Me is holding steady at #1 in several categories.

How did I get onto BookBub?

My Amazon publishing mentor and a group of international authors she introduced me to put me onto BookBub to promote “Write About Me” with the global reading market as my target.

What happened next?

I submitted Write About Me via an online form and waited with anticipation to be accepted. As their website states very clearly above – they only feature top quality content and I wasn’t sure my self-published debut fiction novel that was only about 4 months old would pass.


Yay! After BookBub accepted my book, all I had to do was pay $110, schedule my book to be free for the duration of the promotion and let BookBub do the rest.

Results of previous paid campaigns?

I had just trialled a paid Facebook campaign for Halloween, targetting Vancouver and London and setting my age group from 16-64. It cost me almost $100. Although Facebook tells me more than 20,000 people viewed my post the results were appalling. There were minimal downloads of my Kindle version on Amazon while the book was free and there were no follow up sales. I received only about 10 post likes and no new page likes for The World Mint.

Would BookBub deliver?

I was losing confidence in attracting a global audience despite getting great reviews and feedback on my book from everyone who was reading it. Was BookBub any different?

BookBub explosion

Just a few hours after BookBub posted the image below on their Facebook page, more than 9000 people had downloaded it. For the next 12 hours this tally rose and rose, as did my rankings.By the end of the promotion more than 26,500 people were reading Write About Me.

BookBub Facebook Post

BookBub Facebook Post

Rankings during promotion

During the promotion the book reached #4 in the entire Kindle store. It was #3 in Mystery, #4 in Literary Fiction, #1 in Drama – it seemed that everywhere you looked on Amazon, there was the amazing cover that my brother from fashion label LP33.3 designed for Write About Me.

Below is a Screen Grab Brag Gallery.

Write About Me

The first fiction novel released via The Word Mint’s bookstore is called “Write About Me” and it’s ranking as #1 on Amazon Kindle. Inspired by a true family tragedy, this novel by Melissa-Jane Pouliot is based on the 26-year mystery of her cousin Ursula Dianne Barwick, who went missing in Sydney Australia in 1987. The Australian Federal Police National Missing Persons Coordination Centre has endorsed the novel. 

ABC radio interview about AFP endorsement here

More information on National Missing Persons Website here
